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          Mystic Tiger Ashram...
     Home of Swami Rajakumara PunarjAta Ardhanarishvara

A Spiritual Haven for All People and for All Times! 
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Copyright 2010-2023  Mystic Tiger Ashram 
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The Mystic Tiger Ashram is a spiritual haven for seekers on the path. It is a refuge to help individuals on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of daily living and mindfulness existence. It is a place for anyone who is seeking help for everyday emotional, spiritual and psychological problems as well as ailments to those who are seeking help for more serious or physical issues.

The spiritual as well as healing therapies and training provided at this institute are meant to create individuals who are prepared to meet their own needs and wants and also to learn abilities in the healing arts in order to help aide and teach others as well.

Swami teaches people to practice an energetic type of kundalini yoga meditation called 'Samadhi Nirvana Yoga Meditation' created by Swami Rajakumara PunarjAta Ardhanarishvara. This type of meditation is deep trance, cessation, connection to the spiritual self or God, meditation. We also practice prayer, study of all spiritual texts, overcoming fear, harnessing the mind, finding the true self, and becoming masters of yoga mind, or the divine connection that many people crave in order to live a happier life.

Swami's main focus is to help others to become a doorway to their own divine nature within, or to tap into their own Cosmic Consciousness nature, bliss or nirvana. She works with people on a one to one basis helping each individual to become the best that they can be in this life. Swami believes that each individual is different than the rest and has their own style, beliefs and natural traditions which should be honored. Individuals of all colors, creeds, religions and sexual orientations are welcomed here. All paths are honored at the Mystic Tiger Ashram, healing center and Institute.
Letter to Swami

I bow to your divinity within you. 

I respect all the sages of the truth of the past. I know all sages are at work in the universe helping the seekers of truth. You are like Meher Baba's Babajan to me. 

You are the greatest sage of universal order. Your divine work of inspiring the humanity will continue spread the universal truth, which is very much necessary to bring unity in diversity in this restless world. Your divine work will be a great boon for the coming generations.

I salute you for all your work; you are a silent worker sharing knowledge and encourage others to do the same. You are a great source of inspiration. Your work will help every seeking heart in the present and in the future, let the divinity within you show light to the whole humanity and bless every seeking soul." 

With humility love, respect and regards.
Santthosh Kumar
Meaning of Ashram
An Ashram always is free of any religion and open to absolutely ALL. 
A Swami in an Ashram serves the purpose of Spirit and no one else. Spirit is Love - hence a Swami and Ashram serve the purpose of love. The only goal of a Swami in an Ashram is to provide the environment for a spiritual retreat to offer the best possible environment in preparation to achieve oneness with Spirit or God-realization. Ashrams are mystery schools that teach the deeper wisdom of life and spirituality.
Ashrams in ancient India, were hermitages where sages used to live in peace and tranquility amidst nature. Their purpose apart from religious ceremonies and disciplines was also to use them for the purpose of education. Children were sent to them to be educated. Many Ashrams thus served as schools in addition to being a refuge for all lost souls searching for a divine connection.
"Even with eternity at stake, sometimes just loving others and having tea with them in a single 
beautiful moment is more important than trying to convert them, that is Zen, and that is  the meeting of Souls."
‎"My job is dangerous...
I must do battle to
get souls through to 
the other side...
I stand at the doorway in between, on the precipice 
of wonder, magic, & blood, with the last vestiges of their frightened egos - 
until their imprisoned souls have become free.".

Swami Rajakumara PunarjAta Ardhanarishvara

The Spiritual Haven for Healing, Self-Realization, and Transformation!